A Bittersweet Farewell to Dr. Leonard Bright
As the 2012 SECoPA Conference nears, we would like to take this opportunity to bid farewell to an exceptional president, Dr. Leonard Bright. During his tenure, he has upheld the core values of SECoPA by supporting public administration research, scholarship, and professionalism throughout the Southeastern United States.
Dr. Bright has made considerable contributions to the field of public administration and policy through publications in leading academic journals on a wide array of subjects essential to civil service, and by influencing others through his expertise in motivation in the public sector. Bright has impacted future generations of public administrators and policymakers for more than 9 years and continues to do so through his instruction at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.
When asked about his thoughts on being the SECoPA president, Bright responded that his job was very easy due to the well-structured organization and the high dedication of its members. As Bright reflected on his experiences, he expressed how he thoroughly enjoyed working with his team, the board of directors, and the officers. He is very appreciative that everyone was more than willing to volunteer their valuable time to support SECoPA’s mission. As Bright continues to pursue his research, teaching, and service, his hope for the future of SECoPA is for it to continue to grow and represent the best of the public service community and ASPA.
Dr. Leonard Bright, the SECoPA members wish you much success in all of your future endeavors! Your leadership and devotion was a service to us all.